Blog Sales Inspiration

7 Lucky Traits Of A Modern Sales Professional

Recently Forrester Research stated that within the next four years, 22% of all B2B sales roles will be gone. As a sales leader, there may be a sense of angst when that is said or that you’re losing your luck.

We all know that the speed of technology is dramatically changing our lives and is reshaping the world of sales (and many others). For example, in the last few decades, remote or inside sales jobs have grown 16X faster than field sales roles. With this, your sales team will need to ensure a massive change. Why? Well, today 57% of the buyer’s journey is completed without the buyer even talking to you. This sales evolution isn’t slowing down either. What’s next?

Blog Sales and Marketing Sales Inspiration

Top 11 Podcasts for Sales and Marketing Leaders

Listening to podcasts is a terrific way to nudge your mind out of its accustomed habits and whet your creative edge with some fresh ideas. Numerous thoughtful sales and marketing innovators share their very best insights in short, easily absorbed bites that you can listen to while you’re driving to your next meeting. Here’s our choice for the ten best sales and marketing podcasts out there:

Blog Sales Inspiration

How Sales Leaders Can Achieve Work-Life Balance in 2016

How Sales Leaders Can Achieve WorkJanuary is named for Janus, the Roman god with two faces. One face looks back and the other looks ahead. It’s actually a great idea to take the time every January to conduct that kind of introspection before everything shifts back into high gear. This strategy worked out pretty well for the Romans for about 1,000 years and you have to admit that they were pretty successful at growing their organization.

Stop No. 1 on your introspection tour should be a re-examination of your work-life balance. Get it right and your team will spend 2016 knocking down goals like world champions. Get it wrong and you will be wasting valuable company resources on unproductive distractions. Here’s how you’re going to make the right decisions.

Blog Sales Inspiration Sales Management Sales Process

Missed Quota Again? 7 Things Your Sales Team Needs To Rethink

7 Things Your Sales Team Needs To RethinkLet me begin by saying there’s an endless number of reasons that sales teams aren’t hitting quota. And this is a major problem for organizations. In fact, research from SiriusDecisions found 54% of sales professionals won’t meet quota this year. This is a bad nightmare and a harsh reality for many sales teams, because it means that only a small minority of sales professionals will achieve quota attainment!

Blog Sales Inspiration

7 Apps For A Calm, Stress-Free And Focused Executive

7 Apps for A CalmLeadership doesn’t have to equal high blood pressure. It’s true that as the leader, people count on you to make the tough decisions. However, getting stressed about it isn’t going to help. The ability to keep cool under fire can be learned, and even enhanced. Why are CEOs on magazine covers always smiling? They’ve already deployed some of the following apps.

Blog Sales Inspiration

The One Productivity Hack That Will Increase Your Daily Focus

In my effort to increase productivity and achieve super-human status, I’ve found myself experimenting in 2015. If Tim Ferriss can do it, then why can’t I?

The One Productivity Hack That Will Increase Your Daily FocusOne of the most interesting patterns I’ve been able to observe is how the super-productive and successful have standardized so many things in their lives. What a paradox!

Blog Sales Inspiration

15 Knock-Your-Socks-Off Quotes For The Modern Sales Professional

15 Knock Your Socks off Quotes For The Modern Sales Professional

Your buyer has changed and with that, you might be finding it difficult to sell with traditional methods. As good as a sales professional you are, not acknowledging the modern buyer can be detrimental to your sales goals and career. No fear though, learning from your failures will lead to success. This is how greatness is born. Sometimes you just need to light a fire to kickstart your success and hopefully warm up your cold calls.

Blog Infographics Sales Inspiration

The Death Of The Closer: Why Social Sellers Are Here To Stay [Infographic]

Always be closing, remember when that was the motto? The day of the cold calling, pushy, aggressive salesperson is over. Salespeople as we knew them are bound to disappear. Why is that? Because the buyer has changed. You’ve heard that statement before but it’s time to take action.

Blog Sales Inspiration

8 Social Selling Lessons You Should Swipe From Tinder

Sales is a lot like dating in many respects. Both can be exhilarating and fruitful at times and utterly painful at others. On the one hand, if we are willing to continually put ourselves out there, the world can be our oyster.

It’s difficult not to take it personally when a first date goes horribly wrong. Likewise, it’s hard not to get down on ourselves when someone hangs up the phone half way through an opening pitch. But if we learn to keep our heads up and stay positive, another fish is always bound to come swimming along.

Blog Sales Advice Sales Inspiration Sales Process

I Hope My Wife Doesn’t Read This… Why Salespeople Should Romance Prospects

Prospects. We all have them.

Romance. We all want it.

One of the most frequent complaints and pet peeves prospects have about sales professionals is that we are too unprepared, pushy and unaware of the basics of the business.

Even the most seasoned professionals sometimes miss a beat and forget to go through their process. Check out what I’m talking with this screenshot from someone I’m connected to on LinkedIn.