Blog Infographics Sales Management

6 Rules To Kickstart Social Selling With Your Sales Team [Infographic]

Those in sales are familiar with the traits of a sales “consultant,” and what it takes to survive in the modern selling environment. But less are in the know about a sales leaders’ role in kickstarting, managing and ensuring the success of a social selling initiative.

Blog Infographics

What Buyers Really Want From Content Marketers Infographic


Blog Infographics

The Elements Of Crappy Cold Emails And How To Avoid Them [Infographic]

Cold emails—you hate sending them and buyers hate receiving them. So why do our inboxes keep filling with them? When will sales people get the picture that product pitches are ineffective, unsightly and just bad for their reputation?

Blog Infographics Social Selling Tools

3 Reasons Video Trumps All Other Sales Tools Right Now [Infographic]

Have you tried video as a sales tool yet? If not, odds are you’re missing out. 

Blog Infographics

Probability of Success Based On Warmth of Call [Infographic]

Cold calling vs social selling: what approach sees better results? There might be a long-standing debate in the market, but numbers don’t lie.

Blog Infographics

6 Steps To Build A World-Class Sales Development Team [Infographic]

World Class SDR Team

Motivated reps, attainable quotas and an effective management structure are at the heart of any sales team. If teams don’t have these basic building blocks, any training effort is sure to fall flat. So before you layer on additional training, sales management should ask: how do I ensure I’ve done everything I can to build a world-class sales development team?

Blog Infographics

The Top 10 Revenue Impacting Marketing Activities Infographic


ABSD Blog Infographics

A Battle-Tested Process For Account-Based Sales Success [Infographic]

Account Based Sales Development

What is the best account-based sales routine out there? We gathered and tested data-driven processes from sales innovation leaders such as TOPO, Trish Bertuzzi and Engagio to find out. The results are listed below.

How do you leverage digital to accelerate your account-based efforts? What insights spark relevant conversations within accounts? What are some of the most successful sales teams doing?

The following infographic details a daily methodology your team can use to land and expand named accounts.It is by no means exhaustive, but provides the essential structure you need to build a world-class ABSD team. Happy hunting.

ABSD Team Infographic

Blog Infographics

Why Your Best Sales Reps Are Leaving [Infographic]

Research shows that the churn rate for salespeople, 15.9%, is higher than average compared to other types of professions, 14.3%. If sales leadership wants to retain their reps, especially their top performers, they must have a crucial understanding of why people are leaving. 

Blog Infographics Marketing Management Sales and Marketing Sales Management

Following The Buyer’s Will: How To Improve Sales And Marketing Alignment [Infographic]

It’s now or never: if leaders want to stay up to date with today’s B2B buyers they must embrace new organizational, collaboration, and compensation models. Unfortunately, despite the massive benefits of cross-departmental initiatives, progress is not where it needs to be.