The Elements Of Crappy Cold Emails And How To Avoid Them [Infographic]

Sales for Life Admin
Sales for Life Admin

Cold emails—you hate sending them and buyers hate receiving them. So why do our inboxes keep filling with them? When will sales people get the picture that product pitches are ineffective, unsightly and just bad for their reputation?

The last thing you want is to end up as someone’s LinkedIn post, or on a list of horrible sales emails. These sellers are clearly missing the basics of social selling: research, personalization and contextualization.

If you’re still in the dark about what constitutes a crappy email, check out this infographic from our friends over at Engagio. It lays bare the elements of a bad email and makes recommendations on how to step up your game. Even a small change can make a big difference:

– Personalized email results improve click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10% Tweet: Personalized email results improve click-through rates by 14% and conversions by 10% @MySales4Life

– Write a compelling subject line: 33% of recipients open email based solely on the subject line Tweet: Write a compelling subject: 33% of recipients open email based solely on the subject line @MySales4Life

– Include a clear CTA: 95% of buyers choose the logical next step in the buying process Tweet: Include a clear CTA: 95% of buyers choose the logical next step in the buying process @MySales4Life

7 Elements Crappy Cold Email Infographic

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