Blog Sales Enablement

Why Your Social Selling Efforts Will Be Obsolete In 3 Months

Why Your Social Selling Efforts Will Be Obsolete In 3 MonthsCongratulations! If you’re building a Social Selling program for your company, you recognize that the buyer journey has fundamentally shifted from what it was even 10 years ago.

Chances are the majority of your sales team is already on social media. They’re using LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, possibly even Facebook, and other social platforms, in some way, shape or form. Each individual on your team will have habits, behaviors and approaches to social that will be radically different as well.

Blog Sales Enablement sales training

The 20-Day Sales Diet: Transforming How You Sell

The 20 Day Sales Diet: Transforming How You SellDrop that third slice of cheesy pizza because it will hurt your sales behavior.

Jason Liu, CEO of SAVO said something at the SAVO Sales Enablement Summit that really struck a chord in my heart, or should I say stomach. He compared shifting sales behavior to a diet. I know what you’re thinking, what does eating a salad have to do with building pipeline?

Blog Sales Enablement Sales Management

One Funnel To Rule Them All: Aligning Sales And Marketing [Video Interview]

Tynan Fischer, Chief Operating Officer at NH Learning Solutions“A lot of people think that any online or social media process is just Facebook time.”

Tynan Fischer, Chief Operating Officer at NH Learning Solutions, believes the value of any Social Selling initiative in an enterprise has to start from the top down with an emphasis on sales and marketing alignment. It’s a necessity, he says, for both sales and marketing to speak about what’s working and what’s not. The key is to create a two-way street of communication revolving around content. In his experience, it is important to understand how to use content and most importantly, how to align content to the buyer’s journey.

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eBook: Making A Case for Social Selling

Making A Case For Social SellingIf your sales organization is like many, you’re still using traditional sales techniques like cold calling. It’s time to evolve with the changing world. Your organization may be aware of Social Selling and its importance, but how do you ensure everyone is onboard?

Blog Sales Enablement sales training

The #1 Mistake Companies Make With Social Selling

The 1 Mistake Companies Make With Social SellingWhen it comes to Social Selling, many sales and sales enablement leaders are making a huge mistake. Let me explain. Most organizations think that they can succeed in Social Selling on the backs of a few sales professionals who just skim the surface by setting up social accounts, sharing content, and prospecting. But they do so without coordination or consistency.

This is what PeopleLinx accurately describes as random acts of social. In this scenario, only high performers who see the potential of Social Selling produce results. But the gap between the high performers and those that are struggling is vast. Watch the video below to see what I mean.

Blog Sales Enablement sales training

The Reason Why Your Social Selling Program Is Set To Fail [Video]

The Reason Why Your Social Selling Program Is Set To Fail If your organization already includes Social Selling, that’s great news! The bad news is that even if you have a Social Selling program, it needs to be executed the right way or it won’t succeed. But how can you tell if your company’s Social Selling routine isn’t working?

Blog Sales Enablement Sales Management

Social Selling For the Enterprise: 7 Experts Weigh In

Social Selling For The EnterpriseChances are, your business has already implemented some form of Social Selling. But taking your Social Selling to an enterprise level remains a challenge for many organizations. To find out how to overcome this common pitfall, we went to the experts. These tips from the top evangelists will help you enable digital transformation across teams and ultimately drive revenue with Social Selling.

Blog Sales Enablement

Improve The Performance Of Your Sales Team: 9 Trends For Learning And Development

Improve The Performance Of Your Sales TeamWhat are you doing to make your sales training more innovative and effective? Big Data, gamification, real-time learning… These are all key tips, trends, and opportunities that I took away from hundreds of top sales enablement leaders at the Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Symposium. More importantly, they are also best practices that Learning and Development departments are applying today. Here’s a breakdown of what I learned:

Blog Sales Enablement Social Influencer Series

Jill Rowley Speaks On Enabling Social Selling For The Enterprise

Professional MeetIt’s not every day that I get an opportunity to talk to Jill Rowley so when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at the chance. She’s super busy with her speaking engagements, consulting work, family and more.

I invited her to speak candidly about Social Selling and specifically how to mitigate enablement risks around it. Without further delay, here is the interview. Be sure to read the blog as well.

Blog Content Marketing Sales Advice Sales Enablement Social Selling

Blog Like a Pro: Ensuring That Your Posts Reach The Right Audience

Congratulations! You have an amazing blog post with content that will make buyers excited enough to take action– but you’re not done yet. While there’s no substitute for great content, there’s also no way to get prospects to see it if you don’t promote your post.