Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

FAQ Series: Social Messaging Best Practices For Sales Pros

In the modern age of sales we as reps have had to adapt to new ways of attracting customers. To do this, many reps and Social Sellers have begun sharing content on a daily basis to display their area of expertise. We’ve all heard it time and time again; “position yourself as a THOUGHT LEADER to your prospects.”

Well if you’re relatively new to the world of Social Selling then you’ve probably got a lot of questions about how to approach sharing content with your buying community. If that’s the case then you’re in luck because this post has been written for your benefit.

Check out the frequently asked questions I hear from reps about Social Media Posting Best Practices and let me know if you have any others via the comment box at the bottom.

Blog Sales Sales Advice Sales Enablement Social Selling

The 1 Trend That Sales Enablement Isn’t Focused On…Yet [Video]

Markets, economies, company strategy are all highly influenced by trends. And one of the biggest driving factors in these decisions is demographics.

While in high school, I worked part-time as a lead generator for a Financial Advisor named Grant (I’m leaving the last name out). He was able to achieve very lucrative returns for his investors. His secret was investing with the tide. He invested in companies that were tied to the aging Canadian population.

The result? He made a KILLING.

I’ll never forget Grant and his strategy. He didn’t claim to be the smartest guy in the room but he was brilliant at picking out the demographic trend that most were missing.

Check out this video to learn more.

Blog LinkedIn Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

5 Big Mistakes People Make On Their LinkedIn Profiles

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison

True, that may be inspiring, but it’s terrible advice when it comes to crafting a LinkedIn profile aiming for optimum impact. First of all, you are not Thomas Edison. Second of all, LinkedIn is not the place for experimenting. You really can’t afford to make 10,000 bad first impressions.

As Koka Sexton points out, LinkedIn has emerged as the number one professional connection tool and an integral component of a social selling platform. Sales reps have found that LinkedIn profile problems have wide-ranging negative effects on personal branding across all networks. In other words, getting your LinkedIn profile right is kind of a big deal.

The reason we are focusing on mistakes – the dark side of best practices – is because they could be holding you back when you’re doing everything else right. If some of these “worst practices” hit a little too close to home, don’t panic. You’re not being picked on. The attempt is to try to help you increase your ability to sell yourself socially, boost your reputation and shine like the star that you can be.

Blog Sales Sales Advice Social Selling

Content Roundup: Top 10 Social Selling Blog Posts for Beginners

Sales and marketing professionals suffer from information overload more than other industry teams.

Whether internal or external, from playing catch-up with current projects to meeting the challenge of learning new programs, time – and ironically, information – is your worst enemy.

There is seemingly never enough room in your schedule to complete necessary and meaningful career and revenue building initiatives.

And yet, there is always an abundance of information to digest.

The question I receive most often – in tweets, InMails, emails, phone, conversation – is, “How do I get started with Social Selling? Where do I begin?”

If only there were a CliffsNotes version of what’s important.

There is now.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Attention Sales Pros & Marketers: New Year’s Resolutions For Social Selling Success

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to look back, look ahead and reflect on lessons learned during the past year. It’s also a good time to make some resolutions about doing things differently. Here are some encouraging numbers about New Year’s Resolutions from Forbes:

Blog Sales Sales Advice Social Selling

Eleven Social Selling Lessons from 7 Inspiring SlideShares

Social Selling Lesson

SlideShare has emerged as the “quiet giant” of marketing. The combination of short nuggets of wisdom alongside motivational images draws 60 million visitors every month. For example, Fast Company blogger David Brier turned his insights on branding into 70,000 views in less than two weeks. That’s a lot of potential customers.

SlideShare matters most with the prospects who matter most, as well. A report from comScore found that business executives are five times more likely to go to SlideShare over any other social network. It’s where they go for inspiration, information and resolutions.

There’s one more great reason to go to They make a perfect channel for repurposing content like tweets, webinars, blogs, videos, infographics and just random thoughts. Reaching a wider distribution without having to generate new content is a more productive way to identify new prospects. Consider learning how to excel at selling from Social Selling experts along the way as just an added bonus.

Anyone who doesn’t already carve out some of his or her weekly sales time for education via SlideShare should correct that error immediately. In the meantime, here are some of the most powerful ideas for better Social Selling directly from a few of the biggest names in the game.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Social Selling Success: The Importance Of Visibility

We’ve known this for years. That’s why our sales managers hammer ask us to stay in front of prospects by constantly calling them. They know something that we all do: without staying top of mind with buyers, our chances of a sale diminish rapidly.

What are you doing to increase your chances of visibility so buyers become more aware of you?

Check out this video to see what I mean.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Sales Enablement Social Selling Training

The Three Way Lovefest: Ensuring Revenue With Training

Listen, I’m going to give you a really important piece of advice. DON’T DO TRAINING. Honestly, you’re not ready!

That’s what we’re forced to tell companies that just aren’t prepared to improve their sales performance.

Why do companies do training?

To either improve the speed-to-revenue or probability to increase revenue. Unfortunately, too many sales organizations are not prepared for the following reasons:

Blog Sales Sales Advice Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

One Killer Sales Tip: Help Buyers Always, In All Ways

By far, one of the questions I’m asked most frequently is “what is your social selling philosophy?”

And although the answer is so simple to me, it baffles people. In today’s day and age, we think that there has to be a complicated reason for something, or even a convoluted method that others are doing that make them really successful.

The reality, my friends, couldn’t be further from the truth.

Want my philosophy? It’s right there in the title: help buyers always, in all ways. Although simple sounding, it requires you to make a radical shift in mindset.

Check out this video to see what I’m talking about.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

10 Must-Read Sales Books for Your Holiday Gift List

10 Must Read Books

Ahh, holidays. The traditional time to spread joy and good cheer.

Many companies promote a culture of gift giving (and, of course, receiving). For some sales and marketing professionals, however, this time-honored ritual causes unnecessary stress.

Why worry about being creative, or being labelled too practical? Instead of choosing an ordinary gift card or an oh-so-special article of clothing (a tie – really), or perhaps some “home” baked goods, feed the intellectual curiosity of your colleagues and co-workers with the following list of thought-provoking sales books.