Blog Sales Advice Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Relationship Builders vs. Connection Collectors (Video)

Banner Social 60 Secs

As a sales professional in this day and age, are you interested in building relationships or collecting connections? Sounds like a rhetorical question and one that may rub some of you the wrong way (which is not my intention).

In the world of social media, especially LinkedIn, it is plain to see that there are many people who are going the way of being L.I.O.N.’s (LinkedIn Open Networkers/LION). I’m asked about my feelings towards being a LION, meaning you are open to accepting anyone’s connection regardless of professional background, geography, or typically any other qualifying criteria that the non-LIONs would use to determine acceptability.

So what’s the difference and why should you care? Watch this video to learn more.

Blog Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Who’s Prospecting Who? Buyers are Prospecting You!

Social Selling

You read that right! Your buyers are prospecting you now. As much as you’re prospecting them, they’re also prospecting you.

Whereas you had access to information before, that’s just no longer the case. And here’s the deadliest part in all of this: your buyer is doing this out in the open. You’re just not aware of it. You’re too busy cold calling, e-mailing and going to happy hours to notice!

Blog Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Unleash Your Inner Steven Spielberg: Engage Clients With Video For Only $600! (Video)

Social Selling

You don’t need to have a top-of-the-line video kit to make amazing videos. It would obviously be ideal to have the Lord of the Rings‘ production company at your disposal. But no reason to worry, because if you’re making your own video, you can still look great without breaking the piggy bank. Here’s a lost of items you can get for only $600:

Blog Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Social Selling In 60 Seconds: How Long Does It Take To Monetize A LinkedIn Connection?

Fast Social Selling

It can be longer than you think! But that’s also a great thing… and that can translate into “Blue Bird” deals flying into the window when you least expect it.

In his book Delivering Happiness, Tony Hsieh @ Zappo’s has spoken about a 2 year rule. Many of the relationships that he forms today, can take up to 2 years to materialize.

What does this mean for you? It’s time to start forming these social relationships now, so that your content can educate and inform these buyers for 2015 and beyond.

Blog Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Social Selling Myths Busted: No Talking Required (Video)

Social Media Myths

Social selling myth #1: You’ll get purchase orders in 140 characters because talking isn’t necessary anymore.

In this series of off-and-on posts, I’m going to expose some of the myths that are being falsely spread in the marketplace about social selling. I’m not accusing anyone of doing it maliciously but it’s quite obvious that the old powers, the status quo folks, and even some so-called “new school gurus” are DEAD WRONG on many issues.

Today I start with the HUGE fallacy of not needing to talk to customers.

Blog Sales Advice Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Fighting with 2 Hands Tied Behind Your Back! (Video)

Social Media Nurturing Social Selling

If someone offered you a huge sum of money to get into a boxing ring with two hands tied behind your back, hopping on one foot and having a blind fold on, would you? You’d never get into a ring with a world class fighter without being fully prepared. Why? Because you value your well-being too much (as you should).

So why do you take chances with your career? This really isn’t a plug just for social selling. It’s a plug for making yourself a more balanced, aware and educated sales professional.

Blog Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Attention CMO’s – Here’s Why Your Sales Reps AREN’T Sharing Your Content!

Not Sharing Content

Do you know why 75% of your sales reps aren’t sharing your content??? I’ll bet that if you really drilled down to the problem, it’s that your content is too product-centric and too boring.

Here is a quick video to help you think through designing Top of the Sales Funnel “problem” or “doomsday” content that actually works!

Blog Social Selling in 60 Seconds

How Grow Plumbing is Bringing Social Selling to the B2C World

Grow Plumbing

I want you to check out Grow Plumbing by Gregg Thomas Towsley, who’s changing the Social game in the Plumbing industry. Yes, I’ll bet you didn’t expect to see Social Selling with plumbers…
This is a prime example of how Social Selling is expanding it’s reach beyond the usual industries like Software, Telecom and IT Services.

Blog Content Marketing Social Selling Social Selling in 60 Seconds

Is Sharing Content a WASTE of Time? (Video)

Is Sharing Content a WASTE of Time

It’s troubling to hear when senior sales executives think sharing content is a waste of time.

Is it though?

Are Sales Conversations a Waste of Time?

If you’re a sales superstar that has absolutely no trouble in striking up new sales conversations, then please don’t read any further. Sorry to have wasted 30 seconds of your life.

However, if you’re a sales professional who wants or needs to have more sales conversations on an ongoing basis, then please read on. Sharing content, my friends, is NOT a waste of time. In fact, in today’s day and age, it’s a downright necessity! Don’t believe anyone that tells you otherwise. They simply don’t understand or don’t have your best interest at heart.

Watch this video to learn more.

Blog Sales Advice Social Selling in 60 Seconds

“I’m Tired… of Waiting” (Video)


Does your company’s management understand the value of social selling or are you tired of waiting for them?

Social selling: what are your thoughts on it?

Check out this screenshot of a Sales Director contacting me by e-mail basically saying, “I’m tired… of waiting”. These types of e-mails are not the exception, they’re the norm, my friends.

Sales professionals and middle management are becoming aware that social media can – and does – help with finding, engaging and educating potential buyers like never before. When done properly, alongside traditional sales efforts, social selling can really help with boosting pipeline and revenues.