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The One Factor That Helps You Close Deals [Video]

Grant Cardone is one of my favorite sales leaders and while watching one of his videos, I learned his perspective on how a sale is earned. What makes the buyer purchase? What makes them pull the trigger with you, specifically? Here is his simple yet profound calculation:

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice

Remember: It’s a Buyer’s Journey, Not a Sales Cycle

As a sales professional, you’re no doubt familiar with the sales cycle. Your sales manager has probably used the term many times when talking about the sales process. It goes like this: You start with a discovery call, which leads to a demonstration, followed by drafting a proposal, negotiating the deal, and finally closing the deal.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

What Is The Double Whammy Of Sales? [Video]

I’ve called this post the “Double Whammy” but it can also be called a paradox or dichotomy.

So what’s the double whammy? It’s that customers are sick and tired of being cold called and sales reps are equally as exhausted when asked to cold call. Do we still have to do it? Yes, we do.

Check out this quick video to see what I’m talking about.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Social Selling

10 Practical Tips to Kick Start Your Social Selling Efforts In 2015 [Video]

With 2015 firmly upon us, an increasing number of sales professionals around the world will start to study social selling as a way to find, educate and engage with buyers.

Here is a list of 10 practical tips you can use to get started on your journey. You don’t have to turn into a world-class social seller overnight; you can start slow. Without further ado, let’s jump in!

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice

5 Sales Tasks You Should Already Be Automating

Sales teams can save themselves a lot of time by automating common tasks they do each day. Fortunately, there is now plenty of software that makes sales task automation easy, from the basic monitoring of inventory to taking care of crucial marketing needs like managing your social media networks. Here are five sales tasks that every sales team should already be automating.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

FAQ Series: Social Messaging Best Practices For Sales Pros

In the modern age of sales we as reps have had to adapt to new ways of attracting customers. To do this, many reps and Social Sellers have begun sharing content on a daily basis to display their area of expertise. We’ve all heard it time and time again; “position yourself as a THOUGHT LEADER to your prospects.”

Well if you’re relatively new to the world of Social Selling then you’ve probably got a lot of questions about how to approach sharing content with your buying community. If that’s the case then you’re in luck because this post has been written for your benefit.

Check out the frequently asked questions I hear from reps about Social Media Posting Best Practices and let me know if you have any others via the comment box at the bottom.

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How To Be An Influencer: The 6 Principles Of Persuasion [Infographic]

Understanding what motivates people helps us to better tailor our content and overall messaging to speak to their needs. The following infographic by Dr. Robert Cialdini’s, Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University, describes six principles of persuasion that have proven to help businesses people become influencers and achieve their goals:

Blog LinkedIn Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

5 Big Mistakes People Make On Their LinkedIn Profiles

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” ― Thomas A. Edison

True, that may be inspiring, but it’s terrible advice when it comes to crafting a LinkedIn profile aiming for optimum impact. First of all, you are not Thomas Edison. Second of all, LinkedIn is not the place for experimenting. You really can’t afford to make 10,000 bad first impressions.

As Koka Sexton points out, LinkedIn has emerged as the number one professional connection tool and an integral component of a social selling platform. Sales reps have found that LinkedIn profile problems have wide-ranging negative effects on personal branding across all networks. In other words, getting your LinkedIn profile right is kind of a big deal.

The reason we are focusing on mistakes – the dark side of best practices – is because they could be holding you back when you’re doing everything else right. If some of these “worst practices” hit a little too close to home, don’t panic. You’re not being picked on. The attempt is to try to help you increase your ability to sell yourself socially, boost your reputation and shine like the star that you can be.

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Attention Sales Pros & Marketers: New Year’s Resolutions For Social Selling Success

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to look back, look ahead and reflect on lessons learned during the past year. It’s also a good time to make some resolutions about doing things differently. Here are some encouraging numbers about New Year’s Resolutions from Forbes:

Blog Sales Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Social Selling Success: The Importance Of Visibility

We’ve known this for years. That’s why our sales managers hammer ask us to stay in front of prospects by constantly calling them. They know something that we all do: without staying top of mind with buyers, our chances of a sale diminish rapidly.

What are you doing to increase your chances of visibility so buyers become more aware of you?

Check out this video to see what I mean.