Blog Demand Generation LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Are 20% of Your Emails Turning Into Next steps? LinkedIn Does!


Open your Outlook and count all the emails you sent to new prospects this week.Let me guess, you didn’t receive 1 of 5 emails returned back to you with next steps.

Why is that? Because email is the black hole! If your sales team still thinks emailing new prospects is going to stand-out – good luck. Your reps and 7 of your competitors thought emailing your prospect today was also a good idea.

Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Hot New Sales 2.0 Tools – TimeTrade

We at Sales for Life enjoy coming across new Sales 2.0 Tools, and have recently fallen in love with TimeTrade.This tool absolutely SHORTENS the sales cycle. Clients and prospects can see your availability in real-time to drive a next step.

Blog Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

3 Takeaways From 2012 Sales 2.0 Conference – Boston

The Sales 2.0 Conference in Boston was fantastic. If you were unable to attend, here are the 3 items that are most prevalent right now.

Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Adapt Before 2013 or Die a Slow Financial Embarrassment

Social Selling

2000 – 2007 “Smile & Dial”

I feel privileged to have joined the sales community at (what I believe) is the trifecta of sales styles. I started working during the tech bust of 2000 (leaving briefly for graduate school) and came back in 2004. This period of time in software sales was the height of “smiling & dialing”. I remember cold calling off printed lists of names/numbers with a telephone connected to a telephone line! There was no research, there were no “sales intelligence” – it was all General Benefit Statements & Feature, Advantage and Benefits.

Blog Sales 2.0 Social Selling

Forget Do’s and Don’ts of Social Selling – It’s All Fair Game!

Social Selling

Social Media “experts” love to retweet blog articles about the “5 must do’s” or the “No-No’s of social connecting” in hopes to create etiquette, order and rules. These articles add no value to Social Selling – this new evolution of sales is like the days of 1849 San Francisco (the Wild West gold rush). Creating rules and order in 1849 San Fran was the sheriff’s job, and we all saw enough westerns to realize that was an impossible and deadly task. Social Selling is too new, too powerful, too lucrative to be bound by others opinions of proper etiquette Do’s/Don’ts.

Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Linkedin Profile Tips – Drag & Drop Information to the Top

Sales professionals forget to look at their LinkedIn profile as the expensive real estate on a newspaper. The information at the top of page #1, is where most of your readers go. This is a quick video to show you how Social Sellers move information around in their profile to maximize effectiveness.

Blog Sales 2.0 Sales Advice Social Selling

Essential Tools for Sales 2.0 Professionals

We at Sales for Life are constantly asked – what tools do you use and recommend-? Here is a video showing the essential tools that we use to be successful sales & marketing professionals.

Blog Sales 2.0 Sales Advice

Top 10 – Sales Tools You Need For Your Growing Business

Sales Tools

You keep hearing the term Sales 2.0, and wonder “am I one of those companies?” Simply put, if you are investing in technology to help create greater ROI in your sales process in your – then yes.

Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Social Selling

Linkedin Tip – Your Success Starts With LinkekdIn Groups!

LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn Groups

I know, you’ve heard about LinkedIn Groups before, and this blog seems redundant. Trust me when I tell you, if you read this blog – you will have a new sales philosophy that works! When I say works, I mean book meeting-after-meeting of new opportunities, you didn’t realize was possible (or as easy).