Blog Sales

Sales Engineers: An Untapped Opportunity For Insights Generation

shutterstock_703607812.jpgWhere do most of your deeper insights and marketing knowledge reside? Between the ears of your sales engineers. Unfortunately, both VP’s of this division and the engineers themselves feel they’re above the laws of “selling” to customers.

Sales engineers see themselves akin to ninjas, drop into an account for a few hours, razzle and dazzle the customer, and jettison out in rapid fashion. “I don’t own a quota or a customer” is the often heard line.

However, having this mindset is a massive opportunity lost because your sales engineers are your company’s thought leaders! 

Blog Content Marketing Sales

How To Outperform Your Competitors With The Sales Multiplier Effect


I can’t tell you how many times I hear from customers or prospective customers “man, you guys are everywhere!” That’s rarely an insult. Customers want to deal with best-of-breed and guess what, they correlate a brand being everywhere, to being the leader of its space.

At Sales for Life, we only have a small team but we have customers with 100’s or 1,000’s of sales professionals globally and have barely recognized the power of amplifying their voices in the market.

Blog Sales

How Forward-Thinking Organizations Are Shaping The Future of Sales [Roundup]

If you are still following the same sales playbook today that you did in 1971 then something has to change, immediately. How we sell should reflect current B2B buying behaviours, this requires a more focused organizational process, strategic vision and elevated core competencies.

Blog Sales

Here’s What You Should (And Shouldn’t) Do After Losing A Deal

You’re in sales, and just like Babe Ruth, you will strike out! I hope that like Babe Ruth, your home runs over-shadow your strikeouts but even great ballplayers will miss a few fastballs.

Now what you do right after your strikeout will dictate whether or not you’re setting yourself up for future success or a fast pass to the minor leagues. There are very few buying purchases in the world that are 1x events over a lifetime. You will get another at bat! ERP software, training or even commercial real estate transactions have another chance at the plate over enough time.

Blog Sales

How To Search For A Sales Gig You’ll Love (And Rock At)

It blows my mind when I think about how dynamic the ever-evolving world of startups, sales, and recruiting is.

No longer is finding a remarkable sales opportunity just about having a good resume and knowing how to interview well. If you want to succeed in sales these days you need to know “why” you do what you do (i.e. “vision). And, you can’t just talk the talk… you’ve got to walk the walk as well, because social media is making everything much more transparent.

Blog Sales Sales Leadership

Your Digital Reputation Gets You In The Boardroom

Online Reputation in Sales

Recently, my VP Sales, Brian Lipp and I flew into Manhattan for a meeting with a global company that brought their CSO, CMO and Enablement teams all to the same boardroom.

As Brian and I put down our bags to start setting up for the meeting, the Chief Sales Officer said energetically, “I was checking you out online Jamie and I see you’re connected to Steve Richards from ExecVision. I’ve reached out to him to understand more about how you’re connected.”

Artificial Intelligence Blog Sales

The Intelligent Way to Prepare Your Sales Team for AI Adoption


For any salesperson, Artificial Intelligence (AI) poses a dual, but opposing threat. First, it could take away from their focus on their assigned mission to generate the sales and revenue that is the lifeblood of the corporation and, on the other side, it could replace them, making their jobs redundant and unnecessary.

Blog LinkedIn Sales Social Selling

Identifying Decision Makers and Preparing For A Skills Transformation [Roundup]


In this week’s roundup, we’re sharing articles from both the LinkedIn Sales Blog and SiriusDecisions. The first blog by Alex Hisaka covers how to leverage social selling to identify key decision-makers including advanced searches, LinkedIn groups and more.

In the second article, Amanda Jensen of SiriusDecisions makes the analogy that skills transformation is similar to mountain climbing, both need a lot of preparation and planning. She dives deeper into the five necessary steps you need to take for a skills transformation effort.

Blog Infographics Sales

Top 5 Data-Driven Infographics On How To Engage B2B Buyers

Your buyer is online performing their due dilligence prior to engaging with sales.  And as a result, sales leaders and professionals must take the necessary steps to engage today’s B2B buyer with value and relevance.

Identifying key insights on the company you’re approaching, creating a buyer-centric LinkedIn profile, engaging Millennial decision-makers. These are all key components of a thorough process you and your sales organization must think about as you engage buyers.

Which is why we’ve wrapped up five of our most popular data-driven infographics in one package for you to easily digest.

Here’s what’s inside this kit:

  • The Ultimate LinkedIn Profile Cheat Sheet
  • 12 Insights Salespeople Must Know Before Calling A Buyer
  • 14 Step Routine To Kickstart Your Account-Based Sales Development Process
  • How To Engage Millennial Buyers With Your Sales Approach
  • 5 Skills For Modern B2B Sales Leaders To Thrive In The Future

You can download them, save them or even print and hang them. Infographics are an easy way to read through time-consuming concepts.

Blog Sales Sales and Marketing

4 Ways to Nurture Marketing Qualified Leads into Sales Qualified Leads

What percentage of your organization’s marketing efforts are focused on the top of the funnel?

If you don’t know, now might be a good time to re-evaluate your current strategy. While ramping up your blog publishing schedule and keeping a healthy social media presence are essential to growing traffic, they will do little to nurture cold leads into sales-ready opportunities. Setting up multiple, automated workflows can be complicated and time-consuming for sales reps and marketers alike, but at the end of the day you’re not going to close any more deals without focusing on your qualified leads and bottom-of-the-funnel offers.