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Digital Transformation: A Peek Into The Future Of Social Selling

I’ve been thinking a lot about the future of Social Selling lately—and there’s no question that it’s evolving. I’m reminded of Social Selling evangelist Jill Rowley and Steve Woods, co-founder of Eloqua (now the CTO of Nudge), who described the evolution of Social Selling well. They said it reminded them of the marketing automation space.

The marketing automation space was created Steve Woods for Eloqua in 2000. Fifteen years later, it’s a staple for the marketing industry. Marketing automation has taken archaic based marketing and turned it into insights analytics based marketing.

Whether your company is ready for it or not, there is a progression happening. And the future of Social Selling lies in the creation of digital selling departments. Enterprise level organizations are already doing this, and over the next five years, it will be the norm.