#S4LSocial: Are You Under the Influence?

Jamie Shanks
Jamie Shanks

Social Selling With Twitter

In social media circles, influence is both a powerful and somewhat alarming quality. Would you rather be loved or feared? Would you rather be a leader or a follower?

These questions must be considered when your online behavior, specifically the impact of your words – in a blog, or a tweet, or a LinkedIn post – effects the behavior of others.

As sales professionals, our goal is to influence buyer behavior by simultaneously creating value and building an integrity based-relationship. Your online actions should mirror this purpose.

While it can be argued that everyone is an influencer, is there is a tangible advantage to connecting with influencers? What about the current practice that determines/measures who is influential on social media?

The top two platforms for measuring social media influence, — Klout and Kred – currently include sales professionals among their highest ranked and most influential social media leaders. Is this a coincidence?

Are these sales pros inherently more influential than the average social media denizen, or can they simply manipulate the ranking system to their advantage?

Learn more about the role of influencers in social selling during our weekly #S4LSocial Twitter chat, which continues every Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET.

To register and join in the discussion, click here.

5 Questions for #S4LSocial – 12 p.m. ET Wednesday, June 18

Q1: How much does influencer strategy drive your social selling best practices?

Q2: Do you pay attention to Klout, Kred or other influencer scores when connecting non-buyers? Why/Why not?

Q3: Do you consider influencer marketing when sharing content? Why/Why not?

Q4: Share some stories of how you connected with influencers in your space and the results, both good and bad.

Q5: What can you do to become an influencer?
Kevin Thomas Tully

See you Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET on Twitter at #S4LSocial. For those of you who are new, I moderate the chat and you can find me at @kevinttully.

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