LinkedIn Situations We Can All Relate To In 15 GIFs

Sales for Life Admin
Sales for Life Admin

We all agree that LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools for Social Selling, but LinkedIn can also make you go through a roller coaster of emotions. Here are 16 of the most common situations (and very accurate reactions) that you can experience on LinkedIn at any given time.

1. Whenever you change your profile pic

Whenever You Change Your Facebook Profile Pic

2. When someone important likes your status update

When your Crush Accepts your Facebook Friend Request

3. When you follow a competitor’s LinkedIn page

When you Follow a Competitor’s Linkedin Page

4. When someone says Google Plus is better than LinkedIn

When Someone Says Google Plus is Better-than Facebook

5. When someone posts a very long (almost a letter) status update

When someone posts a very long Facebook status equivalent to a novel

6. When someone sports a style that says anything but hire me

When Someone Sports a Style that Says Anything But Hire Me

7. When someone lists EVERY experience they’ve had, including those in their virtual childhood

Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 3.58.52 PM
Common Expression

8. When you get skill endorsements from people you barely know

When you Get Skill Endorsements from People you Barely know

9. When someone gets a job that you’ve always wanted

When Someone Gets a Job That You’ve Always Wanted

10. When you add your brand new job to the Experience section

When you Add Your Brand New Job to the Experience Section

11. When a prospect creeps your LinkedIn profile

When a Prospect Creeps your LinkedIn Profile

12. When someone turns their wedding photo into their LinkedIn profile photo

When Someone Turns Their Wedding Photo Into Their Linkedin Profile Photo

13. When other salespeople send you InMail pitches

When Other Salespeople Send You Inmail Pitches

14. When you get a generic Connection request from a random stranger

When You Get a Generic Connection Request From a Random Stranger


15. When your LinkedIn update doesn’t get any likes or shares

When your Post Doesn’t Receive Enough Likes and Shares

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