10 Ingredients Of A Viral LinkedIn Publishing Post [Infographic]

Daniel Ku
Daniel Ku

Your buyer has a business issue but they’ve already made a conscious buying decision, so how do you make sure your solution is the right solution? As the sales rep, your job is to assist and provide informed knowledge to the buyer, proving that you understand their business’ pain points. Even more so online where information is flowing in one ear and out the other. The question that arises is, how do you demonstrate knowledge to your buyers? The answer: blogging. A great platform doing exactly this is LinkedIn Publishing.

The following infographic by Top Dog Social Media with research by OkDork and Search Wilderness, breaks down the top 10 steps to increase the reach of your LinkedIn Publishing posts. What’s great about this infographic is that it answers the questions of what the perfect blog length is, how to craft a title, what images to use and more. Not only does it show you how to craft the perfect blog post but also how to promote it so people will actually read your work. So what’s stopping you from blogging now? Take a look at the infographic below and get started on your blogging efforts!

10 Steps To Dominate Linkedin Infographic

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