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Are You A Digital Or Analog Sales Leader? [Weekly Roundup]

analog-vs-digital.jpgWelcome to your sales weekly roundup for January 29-Feb 4th. This week we’ve got the benefits of negotiation tactics, operation challenges with ABM and the unique challenges for both digital and analog sales leaders. Enjoy.

Blog Marketing Management Sales Management

13 Clear-Cut KPIs for #TeamRevenue To Measure Social Activity

clear cut social selling

Did you know that there’s thousands of organizations worldwide that have kickstarted their very own social and digital selling methods? That’s exciting. As the programs in these organizations progress, eventually they are going to have to address reinforcement.

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A Guide to Creating Content for the Buyer-Customer Journey



Hunting With A Spear: 3 Tactics To Use Social In ABSD

Social In ABSD

There’s been a lot of hype in the market recently about account-based sales development. Here at Sales for Life we believe at the core of account-based sales processes is social selling.