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Your Client Is Not Online? Good! Here Are 7 Tips To Go Social Selling!


What happens if your potential client is not online very much? Is it still possible to use social selling? The answer is, yes!

A frequent question I get is “I feel like my clients are online, what can I do?” Answer: LOTS!

You see, while your client isn’t on LinkedIn or Twitter with consistency, these are communication vehicles. That’s no excuse NOT to be leveraging Social to help you OFFLINE!

Question: “Can you give me tactical examples of ways to help work with my clients, who are NOT online.” Answer: Let me count the ways…

#S4LSocial Blog

#S4LSocial: Are You Under the Influence?

Social Selling With Twitter

In social media circles, influence is both a powerful and somewhat alarming quality. Would you rather be loved or feared? Would you rather be a leader or a follower?