Blog Sales 2.0 Sales Advice

Top 10 – Sales Tools You Need For Your Growing Business

Sales Tools

You keep hearing the term Sales 2.0, and wonder “am I one of those companies?” Simply put, if you are investing in technology to help create greater ROI in your sales process in your – then yes.

Blog Sales Advice

Control the Ultimate Sales Paradigm – the “Parent/Child Relationship”

Sales Paradigm

When most sales reps are pitching, they view their world as a “Buyer and Seller.” It’s a showdown between the buyers never-ending reluctance to move forward, versus the sellers constant pushing for the close. Unfortunately, this mentality leads to basic sales training to “have a pipeline thick enough to weather any storm – keep throwing leads against the wall until one sticks.” If you or your sales reps are stuck in this rut, you need to learn about SOCIAL VALUE.

Blog Hiring Advice

How to Avoid the “Crazy” During the Hiring Process

The Hiring Process

Our client has recently experienced “you can’t account for crazy when you hire”. As hiring managers, we have all experienced this.

  • Resume looks good
  • Interview was professional
  • References are clean
  • Punctual & engaged first week
  • The personal issues begin to unravel and turn into an HR nightmare within 90-180 days
Blog Recruiting Sales Advice

Get Your Sales Resume Out Of The Recycling Bin


Wouldn’t it be great to get feedback from an employer every time you send in your sales résumé? Sure it would, but now let’s get back to reality. Having personally read 1,000’s of sales résumés over the past 8 years, and having spoken to several 100 hiring managers and HR professionals, I can honestly say that most résumés only get a 15-20 second glance before going into the recycling bin if they don’t catch the readers eye. So if you only have 15-20 seconds, what do you want to share with your reader and prospective employer?

Blog Recruiting Sales Advice

Is Your Image Costing You Money? First Impressions Are Important!

First Impressions

Does Image = Success?

Consider these facts. Judgments regarding ethics, education, intelligence and capabilities are made within the first 15 seconds of meeting someone for the first time. First impressions are nearly impossible to change once formed.

Fewer than 1 in 20 customers will give you honest feedback when it is even slightly negative. What is your image costing you?

Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Social Selling

Linkedin Tip – Your Success Starts With LinkekdIn Groups!

LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn Groups

I know, you’ve heard about LinkedIn Groups before, and this blog seems redundant. Trust me when I tell you, if you read this blog – you will have a new sales philosophy that works! When I say works, I mean book meeting-after-meeting of new opportunities, you didn’t realize was possible (or as easy).

Blog LinkedIn Social Selling

Why You Need to Pay Attention to “Social Selling”

Social Selling

Social Selling

Before reading this article, you must come to terms with the cold hard truth – Social Selling is NOT a trend, it IS a sales evolution. That means reading “Social Media for Dummies” will not constitute you as a Social Selling leader. Social Selling is changing sales philosophies to the point that any rep that does not adapt (and we mean totally invested), will become completely redundant by 2015.

Yes, we said REDUNDANT – like Beta tapes, CD’s and Kodak Camera redundant. Sales reps that do not adapt will have equally little shelf-life or value to bring to their buyers.

Blog LinkedIn Social Selling

HOT Sales Trend – Social Selling with your Micro Marketers

Cold Calling Job Posts

At the 2012 American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP) Leadership Summit in Dallas, the top minds of inside sales have seen the power shift. The shift was very obvious – our traditional cold calling tactics, basic email campaigns, and voicemail drops was a 2008 strategy. Any company that are only using these tools to drive business will be left behind in 2013. The top inside sales talent in North America are now focusing their attention on a new phenomenon – Social Selling.

Social Selling is simple to understand – using your social presence as a means to guide and influence prospects through their buying process. The key here are two pieces.

Blog Demand Generation Hiring Advice

Hiring Challenge: You’re Gen X, They’re Gen Y

Hiring Challenges Recently, we held quarterly sales team building activities with a client’s entire sales staff (over 20 reps) – new business development, client development & client services. The discussions were less focused on quantitative metrics, more on career growth and aspirations. We really wanted to see what made our sales teams tick!

Blog Time Management

How Sales Leaders Master Time Management

How Sales Leaders Master Time Management

168 hours per week… this is all the time you and I are allotted – but the reality is sales reps are only given 40+ hours a week to accomplish all of their tasks. What ends up drowning 80% of sales reps, is not their quota target, not difficult “sales patches”, but their own poor time management.