Blog LinkedIn Sales 2.0 Social Selling

Linkedin Tip – Your Success Starts With LinkekdIn Groups!

LinkedIn Tips

LinkedIn Groups

I know, you’ve heard about LinkedIn Groups before, and this blog seems redundant. Trust me when I tell you, if you read this blog – you will have a new sales philosophy that works! When I say works, I mean book meeting-after-meeting of new opportunities, you didn’t realize was possible (or as easy).

Blog LinkedIn Social Selling

Why You Need to Pay Attention to “Social Selling”

Social Selling

Social Selling

Before reading this article, you must come to terms with the cold hard truth – Social Selling is NOT a trend, it IS a sales evolution. That means reading “Social Media for Dummies” will not constitute you as a Social Selling leader. Social Selling is changing sales philosophies to the point that any rep that does not adapt (and we mean totally invested), will become completely redundant by 2015.

Yes, we said REDUNDANT – like Beta tapes, CD’s and Kodak Camera redundant. Sales reps that do not adapt will have equally little shelf-life or value to bring to their buyers.

Blog LinkedIn Social Selling

HOT Sales Trend – Social Selling with your Micro Marketers

Cold Calling Job Posts

At the 2012 American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP) Leadership Summit in Dallas, the top minds of inside sales have seen the power shift. The shift was very obvious – our traditional cold calling tactics, basic email campaigns, and voicemail drops was a 2008 strategy. Any company that are only using these tools to drive business will be left behind in 2013. The top inside sales talent in North America are now focusing their attention on a new phenomenon – Social Selling.

Social Selling is simple to understand – using your social presence as a means to guide and influence prospects through their buying process. The key here are two pieces.